April 10, 2005

The Momoshiro Family

Momoshiro Takeshi and his wife Ann-chan. Takeshi is a recently promoted cadet. Ann is a nurse! They're getting pretty wealthy already, and I've already built and extra room so they can make plans for a little Momo soon! Yes, they are a loving couple.

(not all pics in chronological order.)

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They wake up together...
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Have breakfast together (in their matching undies)... Image hosted by Photobucket.com
Have fun together playing Punch U Punch Me...
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And they even study together!
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Of course, they get under covers together. What fun would it be if they did it alone ne? *tsktsk*
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Takeshi grabs Ann's butt. *hornyyyy*
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Ann: *gasps* Oh, Takeshi! ^___^
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Takeshi seranade's his sexy blue-underwear-clad wife.
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In return, Ann gives him a backrub.
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Momoshiro's Make-Out tips:
Step 1: Attack neck with hungry kisses till her knees go weak.
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Step 2: when her legs give way, take her into your lap and kiss her lips-on.
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Step 3: Slowly... lower her on to the couch and then... Kiss the life out of her!
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Step 4: when all goes well, proceed to the bedroom for MORE FUN!
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Takeshi's THE MAN! He fights fires...
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... and unclogs toilet bowls as well. ^^

1 Visitors:

At 11:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heya! XD This is funny! Oh my... What would happen if Tachibana found out... Oi. Hmmm... Great make-out tips! Wow... He fights fires and then has to unclog the toilet. I find that unfair! XD But how did it get clogged in the first place and how did the fire start? Hmmm...


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