May 26, 2005

The Inui Family

Now introducing, the Inui family. Inui Sadaharu and Renji, with their new family member, Sharlene. Both Sadaharu and Renji are earning big bucks as research project leaders (or something along that line, I can't remember the post exactly).

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Another case of the stupid woman leaving the kid on the floor. *grrr*
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Sadaharu picks Sharlene up and cuddles her.
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Teaching baby to talk! Soon he'll be teaching her how to calculate percentages man... this is the Sadaharu and Renji we're talking about.
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Family kiss from Daddy Renji!
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And he feeds the little dot.
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Ever wonder what happens if you've got no floor tiles in your toilet and the shower bursts? There. Weeds start sprouting and you get a garden overnight.
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Smoochies... Sadaharu without specs!
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Little Sharlene feeds herself.
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Wondering where papa is late at night? Let's take a closer look...
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There! Why, making out on the couch of course! XD
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Renji bathes the little girl.
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Hmm looks like Sadaharu is the seme tonight...
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And under covers they go!!
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Renji making breakfast in his undies. Hah! Seems like this happens in every family na?
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Sadaharu teaches Sharlene to walk.
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And potty trains her as well..
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This is what they call family time...?!

A pity I didn't get to name her because they adopted her as a toddler not a baby... I had wanted to name her Yuuko. =X
They are rich, I tell you! They're even richer than the Tezuka family now... and I've built another two rooms already, intending to give one to Sharlene. The other room will be reserved for their next adoption! XD Yes I'm going to make them get another kid. Hopefully a boy.

May 12, 2005

The Oshitari Family

Oshitari Yuushi and Gakuto, and newly adopted Kazushi. Gakuto is a nurse. Yuushi works in the entertainment industry. Kazushi, their new baby boy. HOT TUB LOVIN' AHEAD!!

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Hot tub romance in the wee hours of the night. *splash*
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Look where Yuushi's hand is going... tsktsk...
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Aww Yuushi is so sweet to give Gakuto a massage.
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And he gets rewarded with a tender kiss.
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Don't ask me how they jump so high, it's Gakuto you know. but that signifies WooHoo time!!! Woohoo~!
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*sweatdrop* Hot Tub WooHoo looks more like drowning. they just flop around in the tub like some dolphins.
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And they were at it till morning!!
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Think they'd stop there? You're so wrong...
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They had another WooHoo session, on dry lands this time!
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And then they had lunch in their matching red undies. >.<
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Baby adoption! I was hoping it would be a girl... but a boy's fine too. The stupid woman just left the poor boy on the grass like that.
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But it's alright, Daddy picked him up.
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Gakuto feeds little Kazushi. Never thought of him as the motherly kind eh?
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How sweet, a kiss on the little tyke.
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Family photo!! Yuushi talking to baby Oshitari Junior while Gakuto carries him.
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That's Momoshiro Ann. she came over for a visit and helped herself to the tub. Sexy costume eh? Bet Takeshi is jealous.

It was pretty sad, adopting a baby was on Yuushi's fear list. Can't blame him though, he has a romance ambition, and having a child would mean more responsibilities. But it got better, and now it's not on his fear list anymore. And when the car came to fetch him to work, but the nanny had not come, he refused to leave the house, even when the nanny's car had already arrived. He'll be a great daddy. ^__^ But i really really wanted them to have a girl! *pouts*

Next post: The Inui Family.

May 10, 2005

New Additions to POT Ville!

Introducing the new families in POT Ville~

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The Yagyuu family! Rikkai's D1, Yagyuu Hiroshi and Masaharu.
(Why Yagyuu and not Niou, simply because Yagyuu looks more like the kind who can manage a family.)

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First bachelor to move into the neighbourhood, Saeki Kojiroh!
(I don't really like how he turned out. Doesn't really look like ne? I can't help it, SIMS don't have white hair in the default. And I should have made his skin tone one shade darker. I only realised after I moved him into his house. Too late.)

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The Fuji family! Fuji Yuuta lives with Yumiko nee-san.
(I added Yumiko to spice up the female population in the neighbourhood. Now the fun part would be seeing who she'll marry...)

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Yuuta plays with a paper airplane... *lol*

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Bachelor #3, Atobe Keigo. Sorry, no Kabaji around this time. Atobe is still rather poor right now, but that's cos he spent quite a lot buying a larger piece of land. He has the biggest lot thus far.

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First day in the neighbourhood and already swaying his hips in the community lot. *tsk*

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Ever seen Atobe-sama cook? He just grilled some hotdogs at the community!!

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The Kamio family. Fudomine's Kamio Akira and Shinji.
(I can't decide who's seme. I put Kamio just because it sounds nicer than Ibu.)

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Mmm... smooching under the moonlight. Akira looks like he's the seme here.

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Shinji looks like he's the seme now... *grrr*

More pairings/bachelors to be added? Tell me who you'd like to see. Until then, ja! ^___^

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