The Sengoku Family
The Sengoku family.. or rather, just Sengoku Kiyosumi, for now. But not for long, I guess... he's been flirting around quite a lot, as expected. He's got a crush on... about 4 people I think. He's been doing well at work too, take note of how his home looks like now, and compare it with later!
(will be posted in part two since there is too much to show! XDD)

This is Sengoku's colleague. The first time she came to his house and he's already charming her breathless. XD

He gives her a backrub to show his caring and sweet side...

And proceeds to whisper more mushy stuff to her.

Apparently it works, cos she initiated to give him a backrub!
(first time I've seen something like that!!)

And a sweet kiss goodbye for the night.

Ann comes over for a visit, and plays a game of chess with Sengoku's colleague.
(sorry I can't remember her name!! =X)

And they groove to some music. Seems Ann's not too much of a dancer.

Oooh~ what an aggressive woman!

Sengoku tames her with a mindblowing kiss-up-arm~ =D

And gropes her perky butt. XDD That pervert.

Early in morning and he tries to hit on the maid.
Probably bad breath. XD

He hits on his best friend Komei.

Look at that lecherous grin on his face... tsk.

Just as soon as Komei heads into the house, he turns around and starts up a chat with a passerby. *shakes head*
To be continued...