The Yagyuu Family
Rikkai's doubles Yagyuu and Niou, now better known as Yagyuu Hiroshi and Masaharu. Hiroshi started off as a Mailroom Technician and Masaharu was a pickpocket. =X
Masaharu gives Hiroshi a backrub after a hard day at work.
Hiroshi appreciates it ^__^ (if you look hard enough you can see a ring on his finger.. i never noticed this until now *headdesk*)
Syusuke brings Kunimitsu along on his visit and they are totally in a world of their own. -_-" poor Hiroshi..
Masaharu was promoted to Bookie and... never knew Bookies wore suits to work now did you! A fancy car too!
On Hiroshi's day off.. he want's Masaharu. *smirk*
And they get it going! It's morning and they just woke up not too long ago, mind you..
Of course, under the covers!! WooHoo away!
Now this is what we call Hot Steamy Sex.
Fanservice! Masaharu wears blue undies!
And Hiroshi wears green! XDDD
Now we see why this is the Yagyuu family and not Niou (apart from my own preference)...
Hiroshi took a bath, and now Masaharu wants to get him dirty again... On the same morning!
Now, pretend you're their neighbour... peep!
Oh man if only we really had such hot neighbours...
Aww... show's over. Come again tomorrow.
Hiroshi's too worn out...
Masaharu takes a nap before going to work. And he dreams of WooHoo!
Hiroshi wakes up in time to give his darling a goodbye kiss. *chu*
And... he takes out the trash in his undies.
Of course, a lovey-dovey shot is always the best way to end the entry!
[edit: I did a major spelling mistake!! =X thanks to Eien for pointing it out! I spelt Masahiro instead of Masaharu... I once had a Japanese exchange student in my class and his name was Masahiro, hence the mistake. =X thanks again, Eien!]