October 21, 2005

The Tezuka Family [II]

There are still families I have yet to cover, but I just couldn't resist playing with my favourite couple again! XD Kunimitsu still remains as the only breadwinner of the family, and Syusuke is the loving mother-character who devotes his time to caring for the little one(s).
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Syusuke drinks the Elixer of Life!
(I got them to drink that because I used to play with them ALOT at the beggining, and now they're like so old compared to the other families... drinking that makes them younger. =D)

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Kunimitsu takes a drink too.

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Syusuke makes "Genius Milk" for Kunisuke.
(I forgot what they call that... but drinking that special milk formula helps the kiddo learn things faster. something like that =X)

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Kunisuke takes the bottle of 'Genius Milk'.

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And he glows after drinking!! XD

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Syusuke bathes the glowing kiddo.

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'Genius Milk' works its powers! Kunisuke walks by himself!

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FANSERVICE! Kunimitsu in the bath this time.

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Kunisuke goes to the potty by himself, while Oto-san naps on the couch. Clever boy!

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Syusuke returns from his bath to find something weird about Kunisuke...

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Ta-daa!! He grows up! He's a child now and has his own room. Doesn't need feeding or bathing anymore. =D

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Finally Syusuke gets to sleep on the bed, and with Kunimitsu.

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Of course... Kunimitsu can't wait to get his darling under the covers. They've missed this so long...

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And they get some well-deserved rest, especially Syusuke.

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Introducing the new addition to the family! Their second adoption, a baby girl, Tezuka Syumi. Papa-Mitsu plays with Kunisuke! Surprising, isn't it?

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Aww... family hug. How sweet.

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Syusuke: "Mitsu-dear, can you hold the baby please? I'll cook us dinner."
Kunisuke: *I wanna hold the baby too......*

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Having breakfast together. It's Kunimitsu's day off.

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Kunimitsu reads Kunisuke a story. XD How surprising, again.

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And he feeds little Syumi.

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"It feels just like yesterday when I was carrying Suke-chan like this, ne?"

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Kunimitsu carries the big "Suke-chan". XD

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A backrub for all the sleepless nights and tiring days bringing up Kunisuke, and more to come for Syumi.

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And a tender kiss in return to say that it's alright, they're our children, and for working so hard for the family.

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Kunisuke gets a kiss too! Family kiss, of course..

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There's nothing better than cuddling in bed on a day off.

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Kunisuke jumps on the sofa when his Dads are not watching.

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Kunisuke goes to school!

Wow what a big post. School's starting soon for me, might be a long while before the next post, but stay tuned, because there is going to be new additions to the neighbourhood!

October 03, 2005

The Atobe Family

All bow to the mighty Atobe-sama! What would POT Ville be without a little royal arrogance? Atobe here isn't just as wealthy as we all know he should be, but isn't too far off either, especially after he met this special someone... who is this special someone, read on!

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Atobe paints, close to nature.

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And the legendary meet of Atobe Keigo and Tezuka Kunimitsu!

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They have a game of chess instead of tennis... age catches up quickly. =X

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Welcome to Atobe's Cooking Show! Today, Atobe-sama is going to show us how to cook an omelette. First, cut up the ingredients.

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Ouch! If you accidentally cut your finger, put it in your mouth and suck on it. eh...?

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Next, put all the ingredients in a mixing bowl and mix well.

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Fry it! Fold it into half, serve on a golden platter and you're done!

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Aww how cute, Atobe and Saeki have a crush on each other! <3

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Yumiko visits! Yumiko and Keigo are close friends. Surprising huh?

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Atobe gets a visit from an old teammate, Gakuto.

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See the thing on their heads? They're in looooove~!! XD

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Atobe hits on Saeki and asks him to move in.

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And he said yes!

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After Gakuto left...

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Aww... sweet and tender first kiss.

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And things heat up! Saeki's legs go wobbly~~

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Hot and passionate make-out session! It a first for both of them.

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And they sleep together for the first time as well... just sleeping! What were you thinking?!

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Atobe proposes an engagement! *squee!*

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Saeki puts on the sparkly ring...

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Saeki: Oh Keigo! This is beautiful! XD

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*Hugs tight* And so, they're engaged.

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They cuddle and watch TV together in the morning.
Saeki: Ne, I've always wanted to have a pond in my house.

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Atobe: *snaps fingers*

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Saeki: Thank you, Keigo! Its lovely...

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As usual, kissy-kissy is the best way to end a post! Naa, Kabaji?

Noticed the big difference in decor before and after Saeki moved in? When Saeki moved in, he brought in a whopping $18,000++, so they were able to give their lovenest a facelift. And... they're still virgins! *maniac laughter* Waiting for marriage? We'll see... ^___^

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